A Poetic Pep Talk

Everyone has an off day. One where the writing won’t come, the words won’t cooperate. One where you can’t even get to your writing because your kid has the measles or your boss slams you with a project that keeps you working overtime all week, and the only thing you truly want to do once you finally get a break is to fall down on your couch with a pint of ice cream and a spoon and something cheesy on TV. And that’s fine. It’s human. Just remember that the writing will be there the day after, and you will get up and go write.

For anyone struggling today, or just in case you want a bit of poetry in honor of National Poetry Month, I’ll leave you with the wondrous Maya Angelou and her words of wisdom.


RIP, Maya Angelou

Author Maya Angelou has passed away at the age of 86. On any given day, the newsfeed on my Facebook page will see a few repeat stories as friends of mine share each other’s posts or find the same things interesting, but today… today it is a flood of stories about Angelou’s death. Not many authors touch so many lives, or live such a colorful life themselves.

If you’re having a hard time with your writing, if life is getting in the way, if your priorities are at war, if daily existence drags along… pick up one of Maya Angelou’s books. Spend a few minutes reading her obituaries. Watch an interview or two. She inspires by example, and shares her thoughts and wisdom with great generosity. She will be missed.