Working Your Way through It: Day 9 of the Challenge

I’ve shared the following video before, but it’s one that stands up to multiple viewings. Keep this in mind when you contemplate not writing on any given day.

Ira Glass on Being Creative

Putting in your time each day helps you advance your skills that much faster. It trains your brain to do the work, and let’s you develop new techniques and a better understanding of your craft. So what are you waiting for? Go write.

2 thoughts on “Working Your Way through It: Day 9 of the Challenge

  1. I so needed this in so many ways today. I received a lot of no’s today on several fronts and I feel scattered but this video is confirming that I am on the right path and just to continue to do the work. Fight through. I don’t want to get caught up in this fast paced, American Idol/Voice, rise to fame and fizzle with the new season. I want to be lasting in my fields of creativity and career, doing the noble, profound work. So I have to fight my way through and keep producing. Yes, I will keep producing. Powerful and profound. Thank you.

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