Friday Links with a Hangover

Greetings all! Sorry for the delay this week, but I’ve been at the Romance Writers of America national conference in New York this week, and time for updates has been scarce. But before you get the wrong idea, I haven’t been carousing across the city. The links are hungover, not me. So without further ado, here are this week’s links. Enjoy, and have a fabulous weekend!

Writers to Watch: Fall 2015 Anticipated Debuts – A list of some newcomers to check out.

Umberto Eco’s Advice to Writers – Pretty much as written on the package.

The 4 Hidden Dangers of Writing Groups – Writers groups can be fabulous but it’s important to keep a few things in mind.

What Happens When Sherlock Holmes Retires? – A fun look at different take on the beloved character’s second chapter in honor of the new film, Mr. Holmes (which is wonderful).

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