Closing Out the Week

Howdy, writers! Today marks the final day of the first week of Circuit Training for Writers. Time to wrap up whatever exercise you chose for this week and start looking toward next week’s exercise. If you are interested in writing 7 stories in 7 days, you should line up your prompts and ideas for each day of next week. Otherwise, you might want to pick some passages of your current work in progress where you can shine up your vocabulary or switch out the less active verbs. It’s up to you!

At any time during this month’s challenge, you should feel free to add to your list of prompts. Ideally, this is something you’ll keep working on long past March Madness; it’s always good to have a stockpile of ideas that you can use to jump start a new project or just to get your thoughts flowing.

I hope you’re all enjoying your daily writing and making good progress with your projects. Wishing you a wonderful Sunday, and a productive week to come.

One thought on “Closing Out the Week

  1. I’ve never really written with prompts before, but I decided to give them a try this month since I decided to just write for the hell of it.

    They do really help. Using them helps my WiPs even if I wrote a completely different piece. Turns out, all I need is for my creativity to get going.

    Wrote over two thousand words today. Now more than two days ahead. 🙂

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