Friday Links: Reading and Writing at the End of an Era

It’s an extremely rainy Friday here in my neck of the woods, and we’re looking at more rain right through Monday. I claim gratitude, because even though we’ve made some good headway on canceling out the five-year drought California’s been suffering from, we do still need more rain. However, I will admit to being a little sick of it. My brain feels water-logged. It’s a good thing I mostly intend to stay home and read this weekend.

As for links, I’ve got a little homage to our now-former president, and his obvious love of reading, along with some other good stuff to keep you inspired through the weekend, whatever your weather patterns. I hope you set aside your writing time, and reading time as well, however much or little you can spare, and continue to put your goals high on your priority list. If you happen to be marching somewhere this weekend, good luck and stay safe. Happy weekend, and happy writing.

Considering the Novel in the Age of Obama – An interesting examination of literary trends over the past eight years.

Obama’s Secret to Surviving the White House Years: Books – The result of an interview with President Obama regarding his terms in office, including an internal link to some of his book recommendations.

Finalists for the National Book Award – A nice round up of this year’s titles.

Women Are Writing the Best Crime Novels – A look at the recent bestsellers in the genre, and their authors.

What Being an Editor Taught Me About Writing – Insider tips from an editor at Random House.

The 59-Book Fandom Reading Challenge – Are you a fan of something? Here’s a challenge that suggests a type of book for virtually every type of fan out there. Fun, and a little different.

Publishers Don’t Want Good Books – A tough-love look at why you may be getting rejection letters.

24in48 Readathon – Read for 24 hours total out of 48. This twice yearly challenge runs this weekend, and there’s still time to sign up. Check out other 24in48 blog posts for lists of prizes, reading suggestions, and more.

Friday Links: The Public Face of Writing

Happy Friday! It’s been a very busy week around here and it promises to continue right through the weekend. I’ve got back-to-back writers’ events, serving on the faculty for the Los Angeles SCBWI Writer’s Day tomorrow, and then speaking to LARA, the local chapter of RWA, on Sunday. Sunday afternoon I plan to curl up with some client manuscripts, so it’s safe to say my weekend has a theme. Though given that we’re setting the clocks an hour ahead this weekend (Spring forward!), there might end up being some nap time in there, too.

Have you got your weekend all mapped out or are you going to take it easy and wing it? Whatever your plans, I hope some reading/writing figures into them. Time keeps galloping along, so think about your goals and try to do at least one thing this weekend that helps you progress with your plans.

Now to this week’s links. They feel a little bit all over the place, but I think if there’s a unifying concept it’s that many deal with the appearance of things in the writing world: publicity, trends, social concerns, etc. Writers start off in their little bubbles, but it’s no longer possible to stay there. So take a look and I hope you find something edifying, inspiring, or just plain entertaining. Happy writing!

The Things We Do to Promote the Books We Write – A look at the lengths writers go to in order to get the word out on their books. Creativity isn’t limited to the writing, after all.

“Women Built This Castle:” An In-depth Look at Sexism in YA – About attitudes in the industry, among writers, and within the books themselves.

26 Bookshelves that Will Give You Serious Goals – Basically bookshelf porn for the book lover, but so much fun.

The Fandom Flurry: A YA Reading List – A look at the trend in YA toward books that have characters immersed in fandom, with a list of upcoming titles.

A Former Book Publicist’s Advice to Traditionally Published Authors – Some excellent information.

6 Ways to Spring Clean Your Writing – Tips on how to get organized.

OTHERPPL with Brad Listi – Fabulous podcast with long, in-depth interviews with writers. Most recent 50 interviews are free at all times; for a small subscription fee you can gain access to the entire archive (more than 400 total at this time).

B&N Nukes the Nook with a 15 March Deadline for Customers to Save Content – Heads up if you own a Nook.

Friday Links

TGIF! I mean that in so many ways, the most pressing one being that I intend to pack up my books and my laptop and go work somewhere cool this weekend. The HVAC for my entire condo complex died a few months back, and while the HOA finally approved the money to go ahead with the repairs, they have not actually fixed anything yet. Which… hasn’t been so helpful this week when it’s hit 90 degrees every day.

There’s no denying it’s summer in my neck of the woods. Have you all started your summer reading yet? If you’re still searching for some great reads, I have a few ideas for you in this week’s links, and there will be more coming up in the days ahead. I hope they inspire you to get some writing of your own done, as well. Enjoy!

The List: 100 Great Science Fiction Stories by Women – Some wonderful recs, including a bunch that are available online.

Why Startups Love Moleskines – Vindication for those of you who like to take notes by hand. (And maybe a mild suggestion for everyone tapping away on their keyboards in the audience of presentations.)

‘Mortal Instruments’ Creator Reveals How Female Authors Can Be ‘Dehumanized’ By Their Own Fandom – Male authors, too, but I think it’s a more volatile situation for women. I have my own issues with Cassandra Clare, but this is a really thoughtful and disturbing look at something I’ve noticed happening more and more on social media.

The Places We Read – A look at how location can affect our reading choices and experiences.

Peek Over Our Shoulders – A juicy, long list of the books various Book Riot staff members are reading (as of yesterday).