Gearing Up

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the holidays and are energized for 2012. I’ll admit to feeling a little sluggish when I got up this morning, but since then there’s been a four-mile run, coffee, and an e-mail from the office letting me know my sales figures for 2011 (much higher than for 2010). That combination seems to have been the magic carrot required to help me hit the ground running.

Given that it’s a short week, my plans include digging out from all the holiday e-mail, touching base with a few clients, reading one or two things that filtered in from them over the past couple of weeks, and tackling the ongoing submissions pile up. Basically, a lot of desk work, but I’m excited to read some great new client projects and to — I hope — discover some wonderful new writers in my crowded inbox.

Many of you participated in last month’s writing challenge here. I’d still love to hear how it went for you, so feel free to leave a comment here, or at my year-end post. I’ll leave you to work at your own paces in January, but come February I hope to have a new, fun challenge to get your juices flowing, so be on the lookout.

So what are your plans for this week? For the new year? Any writing goals that have you excited? Fabulous books you’re dying to read? Love to know what you’re all up to for 2012. Meanwhile, have a great day and happy writing!